I remember as a child my mother saying, “…no man is an island.” What she was saying is that everyone needs help sometimes.
If you think about it, you seldom see anyone successful that is not surrounded by others to help them. The band has its road crew, the surgeon has their attendants, executives have their staff. In all cases, success is based upon help. The list could go on and on…
Likewise, I have seen others fail or struggle when they simply refuse to ask for or allow others to help. For some reason we buy into the lie that asking for help is weakness. However, that is far from being accurate.
Jesus is an ever-present help in our time of need. If we are struggling with challenges in life, sometimes we need to swallow our pride, lift up our hands, and ask for His Divine help or openness to accept help from others. Because “…no one is an island…”
Psalms 46:1 NIV. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.