Messages and Notes

Sermon Notes: Mind Over Matter? No—Christ Over Mind!

“Mind over Matter” is a phrase that means the power of thought, willpower, or belief can overcome physical obstacles, limitations, or challenges. It suggests that through mental strength, determination, and focus, a person can push past physical difficulties or hardships. Common Uses of “Mind Over Matter” Biblical Perspective on “Mind Over Matter” While mental discipline …

Sermon Notes: The Rest That Renews: Following Jesus’ Rhythm of Retreat

Contextual Background of Mark 6:30-32 The Gospel of Mark is known for its fast-paced narrative, frequently using words like “immediately” to depict the urgency and action of Jesus’ ministry. Mark 6:30-32 occurs in the middle of a demanding and emotionally charged section of Jesus’ ministry. Prior to these verses: Now, in Mark 6:30-32, the disciples …

Sermon Notes: The Three Things That Matter Most to God

Contextual Background of Micah 6:1-7 (NIV) The book of Micah was written during the 8th century B.C., a time of corrupt leadership, social injustice, and religious hypocrisy in Judah. Micah was a contemporary of Isaiah and Hosea, and his message alternates between judgment and restoration. How We Are Like the Israelites in Micah 6 Imagine …